Holistic Healing for Auto Immune Disorders | Best Auto Immune Clinic In Bangalore

℘ Understand the reason your body is attacking itself to formulate the right treatment plan.

℘ Work with India’s leading experts through various treatment modalities.  

℘ Include a treatment protocol that is integrative and holistic in nature. 

Start Your Healing Journey Today

Get on an exploratory call to understand if this is the right path for you.

How Can Clinic Living Plus Help?

Clinic Living Plus’s interdisciplinary approach encourages collaboration among healthcare providers to ensure that patients receive well-coordinated, patient-centered care.

Autoimmune diseases often require ongoing management. Clinic Living Plus can provide regular check-ups, monitoring of disease progression, and adjustments to treatment plans as needed.

While there are several different types of auto-immune diseases, the root- cause for all remains similar, chronic inflammation. At CLP, we want to help you investigate and irradicate inflammation and the cause for inflammation. 

Various extensive clinical evaluations such as heavy metal toxicity testing, gut microbiome test, and detailed bloodwork will help us get closer to a solution that is customized for you. 


Symptoms of Auto Immune Disorders

12,000+ Happy Clients From India & The World

"Inspiring hope and change through our AIP wellness program – client spotlights."

All Inclusive Treatment Plan

Fitness Coaching

Weight management with Auto- Immune disorders can be challenging. Thus, our fitness coaches are trained to help you with specific training regimen for optimal results.

Clinical Evaluation

There are various types of autoimmune disorders and dysfunction can in turn cause a variety of diseases. An in- depth medical profile is important to know what we are treating for.

Live Chef Workshop

Having our in- house executive chef teach you though live workshops makes it easier to implement changes to your lifestyle. Besides live workshops, detailed grocery list and meal plan will also be curated.

Customised IV Drips

IV nutrition is the latest advancement in science for expediting disease management. Our smart IV infusions with signature formula's are custom made for your individual goals.

Personalised Lifestyle Plan

Certain breathwork practices, yoga asana's, and lifestyle practices can help regulate the bodies immune response. We intend to help you make positive lifestyle changes to help naturally reverse diseases.

Poly PEP Therapy

In autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto's or Graves', alopecia, arthritis etc where the immune system attacks the body, poly PEP therapy may help regulate immune responses and reduce inflammation, slowing the progression of the disease.

Consult Functional Medicine Doctors

Everything we do is backed by science. Thus, it makes the most sense to have the very best evidence- driven doctors to guide you through this journey. Imagine having the best minds on your team!

Mental Wellness

Anxiety, stress and depression can all make your physical health worse. These factors especially play a role in your bodily health. Having a mental health counsellor on board will further help you deal with negative emotions.

Tri- Oxygen Therapy

Tri- Oxygen therapy may modulate the immune system, potentially reducing inflammation and autoimmune responses that can affect the body. This could be relevant in cases of autoimmune thyroid disorders like Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

What Is The Next Step?

Signup for the AIP MANAGEMENT program.

You can walk- in to our clinic or simply call us and we will help you sign up to the program. Your protocol will be customised for your health goals. A team will be chosen to exclusively work on your health.

Meet your AIP care team.

This could be a combination of doctors, nutrition coaches, mental health experts, wellness counsellors, fitness instructors, meditation therapists and much more. These are experts dedicated to your health.

Start your journey to Recovery!

Mental Health, Physical Health, Emotional Health and much more will be a part of your recovery protocol. But above all, we help you make lifestyle changes that last forever.

Frequently Asked Questions

Clinic Living Plus is equip to handle various types of autoimmune disorders, including chronic conditions. Our dedicated team of doctors, nurses, wellness experts and fitness experts come together to help you reverse diseases. 

Depending if your  disorder is due to a nutrient deficiency or inflammation, nutritional protocol will vary.  India’s best disease reversal nutritionist Roshni Sanghvi will personally be working with you for disease management. 

Lifestyle changes are generally suggested for optimal disease reversal. While we understand clients always seek for quick results, we believe in allowing your body enough time to adapt to lifestyle changes so they are permanent. That being said, most of our clients see a difference in as little as three months from starting the program.  

Our programs are driven my the philosophy of natural healing techniques and yet rooted in science. We bring to you a multitude of alternative therapies so you do not have to depend on allopathy’s unidirectional approach. No other center in India aims to combine functional medicine with alternative therapies such as Ozone, Peptides, Holistic Nutrition etc and is client centric. 

Clinic Living Plus offers various different treatment plans for Autoimmune Management based on your health goals and financial availability. We want to be able to help everyone we can. Our packages start from as little as Rs. 5000/-. 

Our intention is to help you make lifestyle and nutritional changes first. Supplements and allopathy medication’s are not our first line of treatment unless you are already taking them. Our doctors and experts are committed to helping you heal safely. 

Talk to your Auto Immune Disorder Reversal Specialist today!

Unsure where to start from?

Talk to an expert who can further advice you on the right steps to take. As long as you take the first step, we commit to helping you in every way we can. Fill up the form here and we will get back to you and help you with a free assesment test to get you started. 

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