Table Of Contents
Unlocking the Potential of Functional Medicine
Understanding Functional Medicine: A Holistic Approach
The Functional Medicine Session: Your Path to Lasting Wellness through 4 R’s
Top Five Ways Our Functional Medicine Treatment Transforms Your Diabetes Management!
Unlocking the Potential of Functional Medicine
When it comes to managing diabetes, conventional medicine often focuses on managing the surface-level, visible, detectable symptoms of illnesses.
However, there’s a revolutionary field of medicine that takes a different, more detailed approach to your health and wellness comprehensive approach—Functional Medicine!

With its focus on exploring non-pharmaceutical interventions, functional medicine integrates treatment modalities such as:
- lifestyle modifications,
- nutrition consultation and,
- exercise protocols,
consulting with our Functional Medicine Doctors(FMDs) can positively and holistically impact your diabetes management journey!
Read On!
Understanding Functional Medicine: A Holistic Approach
So, what is Functional Medicine?
To explain it simply, imagine your body as a tree. Like all living organisms, trees too are subject to decay, and wear tear, and even disease, if their basic needs – namely, sunlight, nutrient-rich soil, and freshwater, are not met.
This disease may be superficially visible on the parts of the tree above ground, the trunk, branches, stems, and leaves. However, it is in the roots, below ground where the ‘root’ cause of the illness is present.
Any amount of treatment/medication given to the parts above ground, without simultaneously treating the roots will only be a stop-gap solution and will not result in lasting solutions to preserve the tree’s health.
This is what happens in conventional medicine treatments. They ONLY address the diseases that symptomatically manifest on the ‘surface levels’ of our bodies such as Hypertension, Diabetes, Cholesterol, Anaemia and many others.
Functional medicine is about going deeper, it’s about delving deep into the root causes of your condition.
Those root causes could be in the form of:
- Inflammation(most commonly occurring),
- Vitamin deficiencies
- Hormonal Imbalances
- Sedentary Lifestyles
- Damaging Food Habits
- Emotional Distresses
- Past Traumas & more

Let me give you a real-life client example.
Radhika (name changed to protect her privacy), visited Clinic Living Plus presenting symptoms of chronic constipation. She had visited various doctors and gastroenterologists in the past, but her constipation persisted.
Radhika was always told to have more fiber and drink more water, but in spite of her best dietary efforts, she did not seem to be getting any relief from constipation. In fact, her constipation was so bad that she was starting to develop anal fissures.
Now a traditional doctor might only treat the symptoms, here being constipation. But our functional medicine doctor took about an hour to try and get to her root cause. Turns out, Radhika was taking iron supplements as she was struggling with symptoms of anemia and bad hair health too.
Iron supplements can lead to chronic constipation, so the obvious answer would be to stop iron supplements. But the story does not end here. Radhika could not stop Iron as she was anemic. A quick look at her dietary intake also clearly showed that she was eating enough iron-rich foods, but the anemia continued.
Thus the next step for our doctor was to explore what was causing the anemia for Radhika. Why was she not able to absorb enough iron from the food she was eating?
A quick analysis showed that Radhika had parasitic worms in her gut and had not gotten a deworming dose in years. She often visited pilgrim sites and temples, where she walked barefoot and must have picked up a parasite.
Just a simple dose of deworming improved Radhika’s anemia and constipation! But had the doctor only treated the constipation, Radhika would continue to suffer and even develop other nutritional deficiencies.
Our skilled docs, trained in Functional Medicine will take an individualistic, ‘root’ analysis of your health, considering many factors such as your present lifestyle habits, nutritional deficiencies, how stressed you are, the presence of toxins in your system, and more.
At Clinic Living Plus, our functional medicine treatment plan integrates the 4 R’s –
- Remove
- Replace
- Repair
- Re-establish,
To empower you to handle your health, from the ‘root’ up, in way that is as individualistic to you as your own fingerprint and give you results that will last you a lifetime!
Schedule your functional medicine consultation today and embark on a personalized journey to lasting vitality!
The Functional Medicine Session: Your Path to Lasting Wellness through 4 R’s
Let’s break down what each the above R’s stand for:
First & foremost, our priority to begin with is to rid your system of existing toxic compounds that only serve to exacerbate present health conditions. They must be eliminated from your body at the earliest to create a healthy foundation.

These toxins could be entering your system from:
- Food – Artificial/Refined Sweeteners, Inflammatory Oils, Preservatives from Processed Foods, Carcinogen Compounds from Pesticides in your produce, just to name a few.
- Skin/Hair Care Products –According to a study by Harvard Health, the average woman uses anywhere up to 12 different beauty products every day! Each of them – face wash gels, shampoos, soaps, conditioners, scented lotions, and makeup products contains a deadly cocktail of harmful chemical compounds!
- Cleaning Products – In this period of ‘over-sanitization’, we use cleaning products on just about everything around us in our homes that we come in contact with. These products too contain toxic chemicals that may make our homes/cars/work areas look clean, but are far from healthy for our bodies.
- Cooking Vessels – Yes, even the cookware and storage containers we use, not to mention the abundance of plastic takeout containers that frequent our homes are ripe with toxins that over time, affect health negatively.
This is NOT an exhaustive list, but it gives a sense of just how easily we allow toxic compounds to enter our bodies every day!
Once, our team of functional medicine experts has educated you on how to remove toxins from your body, & what to be on the lookout for, it is then time to invest in implementing replacement strategies. Each strategy will be unique to your particular case.
From your eating (& drinking) habits, to the products you use on yourself and around your home, we work closely with you to find healthy and practical replacements to everything listed above and more!
By far, this is the most crucial step in your wellness journey with us.
Through harnessing the core principles of functional medicine treatment –
- Establishing a therapeutic, collaborative partnership of a team of experts (Nutritionists, Fitness trainers, Alternative therapy experts) to work with you,
- Identifying & addressing the root cause of your health conditions (Recall, the ‘Tree’ analogy used)
- Formulating and implementing an in-depth, personalized approach to your health, well-being and disease prevention,
Your system is on the right track to repair itself, from ‘roots to leaves’!
The end goal of your Functional Medicine treatment with us is to empower YOU to charge of your health and well-being for the foreseeable future, without dependence on medicines and frequent treatments.

We aim to establish a ‘New Normal’ for your way of life with embedding lifestyle changes that align with you personally and practically.
Top Five Ways Our Functional Medicine Treatment Transforms Your Diabetes Management!
1. Identify and Address the Root Cause
The root causes of diabetes differ from person to person.
- The most common cause are insulin resistance, a complex condition where the cells in muscles, fat and the liver aren’t using insulin secreted by the pancreas appropriately to regulate the blood sugar(glucose) levels.
- Or, gut dysbiosis. As the name suggests, it involves the healthy diversity of one’s gut bacteria. Stemming from the overuse of antibiotics or from infections in the gut, dysbiosis can play a significant role in the development of diabetes.
Chronic inflammation is a response from the autoimmune system that damages the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, making it a serious risk factor for both Type 1 & Type 2 diabetes.
Our FMDs prioritize the precise identification of the root cause of your diabetes before moving ahead to create a personalized treatment plan.
2. Personalized Treatment Plans
Just as the root causes of diabetes vary from person to person, so do our personalized treatment plans. These plans are ideated, crafted, and implemented to suit your individual needs.
Aligning with our 4 Rs Functional Treatment Process (Remove, Replace, Repair, and Re-establish), your diabetes treatment plan may include a combination of:
- Clinical Evaluations
- Dietary changes
- Fitness Coaching
- Lifestyle modifications
- Alternative Therapies (Ozone Therapy, Peptide Therapy
- Personalized IV Drips
& More!
Schedule your functional medicine consultation today and embark on a personalized journey to lasting vitality!
3. Stress Management and Coping Mechanisms
Did you that stress can directly impact your blood sugar levels?
Here’s how – When stressed, your body enters into a ‘Fight or Flight’ mode, where your body will do all that, it can to get enough energy to cope. In response, hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline flood your bloodstream, causing glucose levels to surge.
For people without diabetes, this is literally how it feels like, an energy surge.
But if your body is dealing with diabetes, it can’t produce enough insulin to manage the surge in the blood sugar levels and can result in a severe energy crash.
Hence, it is essential to be able to deal with stress, as it arises in your life, in a healthy way. While we can’t always control what stresses us out, we can develop healthy coping mechanisms. This is exactly why our team of FMDs will work with you closely on building positive lifestyle practices such as yoga, meditation and breathwork exercises.
So that, the next time stress arises, you rise above it and manage it effectively.
4. Weight Loss and Improved Body Composition
No getting around this, it is paramount that you maintain a healthy weight, based on your body type and composition, if you want to successfully manage diabetes.
Maintaining a healthy weight helps your body to combat insulin resistance and ensure that it can use insulin efficiently. Not to mention, losing weight will have an uplifting effect on your body’s energy levels and your mood!
Our team of experts, nutritionists and fitness trainers work in sync to develop a sustainable weight loss plan and are with you every step of the way to assist you in reaching your weight loss and body composition goals.
5. Reducing the Risk of Complications
The scary fact is that diabetes can snowball into a number of dangerous health complications including, but not limited to:
- Heart disease
- Stroke
- Kidney disease
- Nerve damage
- Skin problems
- Digestive Issues
- Dental problems
Our FMDs constantly evaluate and regulate all of your crucial health parameters such as blood pressure and cholesterol levels, to name just a few, so that there is an all-round improvement in your body’s well-being, effectively minimizing the risk of surprise health complications.
12,000+ Happy Clients from India & The World!
Our results speak volumes of the effectiveness of our diabetes treatment plans!
Ready to revolutionize your diabetes management?
Book a consultation with Clinic Living Plus today and embark on your journey towards better health
Your path to wellness begins here.
Roshni Sanghvi
She is also an ACE-certified personal trainer, certified PlantFed gut coach, certified Bodyshred, and Animal flow instructor with a specialisation in disease reversal through food and lifestyle modification.
Her approach is more focused on helping you in adopting a healthy lifestyle. With her result-oriented holistic methods, she has managed to transform and reverse lifestyle diseases such as PCOS, Thyroid, Diabetes etc for 12k+ clients worldwide.