Holistic Nutrition Consultation

Holistic Nutrition
Just like all our other treatments, our approach here is holistic. Unlike a general dietitian, holistic nutrition focses on the person as a whole- unit.
For example, if your iron levels are chronically low, a dietitian might prescribe you an iron supplement. But a holistic nutritionist will try to understand “why” your iron levels are low to begin with.
Some potential reasons would be parasites in the intestine that are sucking on your iron stores, lack of absorption due to some other nutrient deficiency, internal bleeding and so much more.
Our Holistic approach ensures that clients see a permanent reversal is their diseases VS a short- term relief.

What can Holistic Nutrition be used for?
Given our current eating habits and lifestyle, there is a growing demand for holistic nutrition.
A holistic nutritionist can help you understand the impacts of chemicals on hormone disruption and nutritional deficiencies, help incorporate changes that help boost longevity and even play a crucial role in disease reversal and management.
Here are just a few things holistic nutriiton can help with:
- Fat loss/Weight Gain
- Diabetes/ Gestational Diabetes
- Cholesterol/ Triglycerides
- Thyroid (including auto- immune)
- PCOS/ Fertility Planning
- Auto-Immune Diseases (All)
- Arthritis
- Kidney Stones
- Pregnancy Nutrition
- Nutrition for Youth
- Nutrition for Athletes
- Fatigue/ Lack of energy
- Decrease Brain Fog
- Strengthen the Immune System
- Prevent Allergies
- Treat Anxiety/Depression
- Improve Sexual Dysfunction (men and women)
- General Wellness
Accelarate Your Health
Not sure if you need a Holistic Nutritionist?
Signs of Nutritional Deficiencies:
- Pale Skin and Nails
- Difficulty Concentrating
- Migraines
- Digestive problems (gas, bloating, acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea)
- Joint pains
- Hairloss or Dry Hair
- Frequent Infection
- Swollen and Bleeding Gums
- Mood disorders (anxiety, depression, ADHD)
- Food allergies or sensitivities
- Hormone imbalances
- Chronic inflammation
- Seasonal allergies
- Poor Growth
- Night Blindness (and much more)
Some Root- Causes?
- Standard Junk Food diet (highly processed, refined sugars, inflammatory seed oils, low in fiber, preservatives, pesticides)
- Parasitic Growth in the Gut
- Hormone Disrupters in the Environment
- Cleaning products, beauty products, perfumes, fragrances
- Antibiotics or Antacid Use
- Infections
- Frequent use of NSAIDS
- Long-term use of acid blockers
- Heavy alcohol use
- Heavy Metal Toxicity
- Nutritional Deficiencies
- Reliance on hyper-palatable Foods
- Consumption of Artificial Sweeteners and Food Colouring
- Supplement Use
Our Treatment Plan Integrates:
Here is where we sit for a detailed case history. This is followed by required clinical evaluations and tests to track your progress and set realistic goals.
This step is under the enpert guidance of our nutrition coaches and motivation managers. It is not just about knowing what to eat, but, making it a lifestyle. Our coaches will understand your lifestyle and help make changes that can easily fit your schedule. If this means atomization of your grocery order or teaching your chef’s on how to cook, we will do it all.
We get on a call every week to help set your next targets and ensure you are getting closer to your goals. These weekly calls are also your motivation anchors, as we help you plan for the next week. Reevaluations and routine blood work’s are repeated throughout your transformation journey.
We literally reestablish a “new normal” here. Since we have only made lifestyle changes, your results are guaranteed to last a lifetime. Our motto throughout our time together will be asking the same question- is this going to become a lifestyle or not?
For first time clients, please call us to schedule an appointment.
Have A Question?
Let’s get in touch!